Carolyn J Perla | Future Branches Austin

Future Branches Austin 2025

November 18 - 20, 2025

JW Marriott Austin, TX

Carolyn J Perla

Vice President, Retail Banking IC Federal Credit Union

With over 11 years experience in banking, and working her way up from Retail Sales Trainer, to

Senior Manager of Retail Operations, Carolyn now oversees and provides support for all branch

locations, Facilities and Mailroom, the Retirement & Investment Servicess Program with CUNA,

as well as Training and Marketing. She is currently the GLBA & Security Officer for IC Federal

Credit Union.

Carolyn is also active in the local community, volunteering for the Relay for Life, and the United

Way Day of Caring. Since 2013, she has served on the Board of Directors at Our Father’s House, a

local shelter, and is presently the Assistant Treasurer, and sits on the Executive and Strategic Planning


Married for 10 years, Carolyn and her husband Patrick reside in Leominster, and are raising three

lovely boys, Romeo, age 8, Tedy, age 6, and Cyrus, age 3. In her spare time, she enjoys sports, the

beach, and has coached soccer and T-ball.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Carolyn J.

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