November 18 - 20, 2025
JW Marriott Austin, TX
Econiq transforms the quality of branch-based, customer-facing conversations and creates sustainable value for retail banks.
Our research on over 200 of the top retail banks in North America shows that, even when presented with the perfect opportunity, four out of five conversations in the branch don’t even start.
Econiq is a trusted advisor. We leverage decades of experience of starting, guiding, observing and improving the quality of hundreds of millions of customer conversations in U.S. regional and community banks.
Econiq’s award-winning Conversation Hub for Branch™, is a conversation support platform.
The Hub helps branch staff on the frontline start and hold naturally flowing, high-quality, customer conversations. It guides and supports every conversation. It tracks, measures and scores every face-to-face conversation, giving executives and management a unique ability to see and control their Conversation Quality score.
Start your conversation today.